Tuesday, September 05, 2006

time for a change in scenery

today's adventures in interviewing began ever so pleasantly - rushing out the door having only gulped down half a cup of coffee, uncomfortable in my suit, hose and heels as always, and lugging forty-five pounds of law school paraphanalia a little before 8am .... into a rainstorm. i mean, it was coming down in sheets. it wasn't actually the walk to the metro (just across the street) that was awful so much as the six blocks to the hotel where interviews are held, running a tad later than i'd have preferred, that really got to me. luckily, the first interview of the day was with the firm for whom i've already been gainfully employed, so the pressure was off to remember the names, summer associate class size and distinguishing features right off the bat. but i was flustered, and the time spent with the flat-iron for naught, because my hair reacted poorly to the wind and the rain.

i have gotten into the habit of debriefing B after every interview, or cluster of interviews. i'm markedly less escatic these days, not because the firms aren't impressive, but mostly because the adrenelin rush i had enjoyed with those early interviews has largely vanished. after a dozen of these bad boys, it seems very pedantic.

thankfully, for my interest level, the last of four interviews today was at an office not in the neighborhood where i've been working and learning for these past years. the view out the window was of this building (but from the 11th floor), and the beautiful roman style museums along the mall in the background. it was worth the four metro stops each way (and the meager ten minutes i was left with to switch to class mode) for the change in scenery.

i would feel terribly important working in an office with a view like that.

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